Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Sourdough Starter

Baking bread is rewarding, but ultimately you will ask yourself "what can I do to really challenge myself?"

Ultimately the answer you will come to is - SOURDOUGH!

Bread books are filled with all sorts of starters, and some even describe how to cultivate your own local starter. I've done this, but nothing can beat the original Lactobacillus sanfranciscensis.

My friend DragonCoder sent me this link for Free, live pioneer-era sourdough starter and HangerMike pointed me to

I went ahead and spent $9 to purchase the authentic San Fransisco Sourdough starter I'm currently using. Sourdough is a live culture so it takes a bit of time to get used to it's feeding schedule.

For more information I highly recommend you check out the Sourdough entry on WikiPedia.

If you are in the local area I'll be happy to provide you some starter.

-Matt the Weekend Baker

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